Social: @usamajatt999

Phone# +923126287086 | Email: | Location: Lahore /Nankana Sahib



    As an accomplished executive with a proven track record of driving strategic growth and leading high-performance teams, I am dedicated to delivering transformative results in Industry. My expertise in Management, Communication and Leading skills combined with a passion for innovation and a commitment to fostering a culture of excellence positions me to make an immediate and lasting impact on Industry. I am seeking an executive leadership role where I can leverage my skills to elevate organizational performance, maximize profitability, and chart a course toward sustainable success.


    Education is an important part of successful life which makes the person able to handle the hardships of life and manage his own life with great balance. I completed my latest degree LLB by passing through the following.

Usama Education Journey

Job History

    A stone remains stone until it is carved by the hammers of a master craftsman, After being cut, the stone becomes valuable. In following are the carving hits, which made me perfect candidate for the Challenging Vacancies.

Usama Job History

Digital Journey:

    Being Digital is demand of time and I believe that coming time shall become digitalize and everything shall be managed through Technology. I also tried my best and started to become active on digital forums, Here is my digital journey, 

Usama Virtual Journey


    Knowledge is a pearl which is always worthy. After completion of Schools and university education I never stopped learning in demand skills in accordance with demand of job. Being a self paced learner I learnt the following skills and got certificates. Have a look at.

Usama Certificates


Skills are the features that made a person best among competitors, Following Skills make me perfect: 

Usama Skills

Thanks for your Precious time
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